IP PA & Lockdown Alert System for Schools are critical infrastructure components for audible and visual communication in education environments. Day-to-day announcements and emergency alerts can be effectively broadcast throughout entire schools and campuses using a mix of various IP Endpoints. Acting as a single system, a blend of products from speakers, paging adapters, bell schedulers, LED displays, visual alerters & strobes can be used to create a complete communication system to enhance premise-based communication in education.
IP PA & Lockdown Notification System for Schools allow for pre-set bell or tones for class-change notification, as well as providing an alternative alarm, message or tone to warn of Lockdown Procedure being initiated. The system also supports live announcements via Microphone Console or IP phones. Announcements can be made to a single speaker in a classroom, or a group of speakers or to the entire School.
Add Visual Alerts to Lockdown Notification
While audible alerting is sufficient in providing loud, attention-grabbing alerts, visual alerting is an effective solution in school environments that are noisy or noise sensitive. IP Visual Alerters are bright, highly visible, and long-lasting LEDs easily noticeable by an audience no matter where they are standing in a room.
IP LED displays are all in one units with built in speaker & strobe, these units can clearly display the emergency message and play warning tones on the integrated speaker with flashing strobe lights. Strobe lights can also be enabled to flash different colours based on the emergency situation.
Visual alerting can easily be scaled across IP PA based Lockdown Notification System. IP Visual Alerters can be activated via multicast or can be preprogrammed to be either a multicast sender or receiver. Specific flash or color patterns can be configured to play upon receiving a multicast broadcast. Visual Displays are typically set up as multicast receivers and are often pre-configured with specific screens for multicast notifications and alerts. As with any IP PA device, visual alerters and visual displays can be set up by zones.

As Authorised Integrators, we also offer assistance in designing a IP PA & Lockdown Notification System for Schools. Whether you wish to upgrade your existing analog PA or are looking for a brand new PA system, we are happy to help. If you need assistance, please click Free Project Design Service .