IP Emergency / Safety Call Units for Mines , Factories are hardened IP 65 /69 rated devices that can perform in extremely demanding conditions making them ideal for installation in Factories and Minesites for enhanced communication and safety .
Call Stations for Entry Gates & Emergency points
A factory site has a constant traffic of incoming and outgoing transportation vehicles. To manage all this traffic, an industrial site will have several entrances and exits which are equipped with gate barriers. Call Stations that are built into the gate barriers come with noise-canceling that enhances voice quality while the external speakers overcome loud background noise from the plant and trucks.
The safety of the workforce is an absolute priority throughout the entire site. However, accidents can happen, and when they do, it is necessary to reach help as soon as possible. Help points are just a button push away and calls can be placed directly to the security desk. CCTV and Strobes cameras can be automatically triggered when a corresponding emergency point is used so that the guards can also see what is going on.