IP Big Button Phones & Monitors with Pendant Option

IP Big Button Phones & Monitors with Emergency Pendant ensure quick response.

  • SIP based phones offer easy integration with Telecom Systems
  • Option to integrate door entry intercoms
  • Option to integrate 2 way speakers for audio monitoring


IP Big Button Phones are specially designed for use in nursing homes and by senior people. Healthcare & Aged Care Emergency Phones come with large number keys, optional wireless pendants and premium audio quality with volume control to ensure the elderly can operate these phones easily. In the event of an emergency the SOS key on the phones or the optional wireless pendants ensure that help is just a button click away.


RF pendants in healthcare are wearable devices that allow patients to call for help by sending a signal to a receiver unit. They can be used in hospitals, aged care facilities, and other healthcare settings. These pendant transmitters may be worn in the shower or bathtub, outside in the rain or temporarily submerged as they are built with a waterproof package.